Saturday, July 30, 2011

Things that say SUMMER!!!

Trying to keep cool!




Relaxing in the sun! 

Wearing sunglasses! 


Fun with family and friends!

Eating corn on the cob!

Playing lawn games like frisbee!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

I want a basket full of puppies! :)

Awesomely Cool!

I wonder where I could get a pair...

Bath time for these artists!


I love cupcakes!

I could really go for a cupcake now! How 'bout you?


So, I recently decided to start collecting snapple caps because they have cool facts under them. I also went on their website, and found out some other cool facts. Here are some:

  • If you had 1 billion dollars and spent 1 thousand dollars each day it would take 2,749 years to spend it all!!!
  • Vultures can fly 6 hours without flapping their wings.
  • Humming birds weigh less than a penny.
  • You share your birthday with nine million others in the world!
  • There is a town called "Big Ugly" in West Virginia.
  • Alaska has more caribou than people!
  • A mile on the ocean and a mile on land are not the same disdance!
  • A one-minute kiss burns 26 calories!
  • Mosquitoes have 47 teeth!
  • Lake Superior is the worlds largest lake!
  • Pearls disolve in vinegar.

Friday, July 22, 2011


Can't you tell that I'm tough by my collar?
Well I am! Grrrrrr... Hear me growl!

AHHHHHH!!! I camera! See ya, bye!

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